Si la nation propri~taire des cotes voisines est matresse, hors les ca翻訳 - Si la nation propri~taire des cotes voisines est matresse, hors les ca英語言う方法

Si la nation propri~taire des cotes

Si la nation propri~taire des cotes voisines est matresse, hors les cas de rel'che
forc~e, d'interdire l'abord de son territoire, elle ne peut pr~tendre empcher qu'on
navigue en vue de ce territoire; elle ne peut pr~tendre declarer la fermeture de la mer
territoriale, comme elle d~clarerait la fermeture d'un de ses ports; ni imposer de tribut
ou p~age aux navires qui y passent, comme s'ils passaient dans une eau qui lui appartint.
... Ainsi, le droit qui existe sur la mer territoriale n'est pas un droit de propri~t6; on
ne peut pas dire que 1'6tat propri~taire des c6tes soit propri&aire de cette mer.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
if the nation ~ silent neighboring properties ratings is mistress, except in cases of forced rel'che
~ e, the first ban of its territory, it can not pr ~
tender empcher that navigates to the territory, it can not pr ~ soft declare the closure of the territorial sea
as she d ~ clarerait the closure of one of its ports, or impose tribute
p ~ age or vessels passing through them,as if they spent in water that belonged to him.
... well, right there on the territorial sea is not a right to property ~ t6, we
can not say that 1'6tat properties ~ silencing is c6tes properties & area of ​​this sea
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
If nation propri ~ adjacent sides is mätresse, except in the cases of release che
forc ~ e, to prohibit the first of its territory, it may pr ~ tend prevent that it
navigates to that territory; It can pr ~ tender declare the closure of the sea
territorial, like her d ~ clarerait the closure of one of its ports; or impose tribute
or p ~ age ships who spend there,. as if they spent in water that belonged it.
... Thus, the law that exists on the territorial sea is not a right of propri ~ t6; on
cannot say the State properties ~ shut up sides or propri&aire of this sea.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
If the nation owner~silence of the neighboring shores is matresse, excluding the case of rel'che
forc~e, to prohibit the first of its territory, it cannot pr~soft stop that we
sailed in view of this territory; it cannot pr~tension declare the closure of the sea
territorial, as she d~clarerait the closure of one of its ports; or impose toll
or p~age to vessels which spend there,As if they spent in a water which it appartint.
... As well, the right which exists on the territorial sea is not a right of property~t6; it
cannot say that 1 ' 6tat owner~silence of c6thy either propri&aire of this sea.
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