L'automne, c'est beau, mais court à mortUn beau deux se maines multico翻訳 - L'automne, c'est beau, mais court à mortUn beau deux se maines multico英語言う方法

L'automne, c'est beau, mais court à

L'automne, c'est beau, mais court à mort

Un beau deux se maines multicolores

On monte dans le nord voir le décor

Le temps de faire Granby - Mont-Laurier

Les feuilles etaient toutes tombées à terre

L'automne venait de changer en hiver

Pour me rappeler - hé hé hé hé - que...

J'haïs l'hiver...
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The fall, it is beautiful, but short to deathA beautiful two is multicoloured mainesUp in the North see the decorTime to Granby - Mont-LaurierThe leaves were all fallen to the groundThe fall came from change in winterTo remind me - Hey Hey Hey Hey - that...I hated the winter...
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Autumn is beautiful, but short of death is a beautiful two Maines multicolored It rises in the north see the scenery Time to do Granby - Mont-Laurier The leaves were all fallen to the ground Autumn had changed in Winter To remember - he he he he - that ... I hate winter ...

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The fall is beautiful, but short to death

a beautiful two se maines multicolored

We mounted in the north see the decor

the time to make Granby - Mont-Laurier

The sheets were all fallen to Earth

THE AUTUMN had just been changed in Winter

to remind me - hey hey hey hey - that ...

I hate winter and ....
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