Il y a des gens avec qui l'on passe une grande partie de sa vie et qui翻訳 - Il y a des gens avec qui l'on passe une grande partie de sa vie et qui英語言う方法

Il y a des gens avec qui l'on passe

Il y a des gens avec qui l'on passe une grande partie de sa vie et qui ne vous apportent rien. Qui ne vous éclairent pas, ne vous nourrissent pas, ne vous donnent pas d'élan. Encore heureux quand ils ne vous détruisent pas à petit feu en se suspendant à vos basques et en vous suçant le sang.
- Et puis...
- Il y a ceux que l'on croise, que l'on connaît à peine, qui vous disent un mot, une phrase, vous accordent une minute, une demi-heure et changent le cours de votre vie. Vous n'attendiez rien d'eux, vous les connaissiez à peine, vous vous êtes rendu léger, légère, au rendez-vous et pourtant, quand vous les quittez, ces gens étonnants, vous découvrez qu'ils ont ouvert une porte en vous, déclenché un parachute, initié ce merveilleux mouvement qu'est le désir, mouvement qui va vous emporter bien au-delà de vous-même et vous étonner. Vous ne serez plus jamais vermicelle, vous danserez sur le trottoir en faisant des étincelles et vos bras toucheront le ciel...
Les écureuils de Central Park sont tristes le lundi
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
There are people with whom we spend a large part of his life and that bring you nothing. That does not work, do not feed you, do not give you momentum. Still happy when they do not destroy you small firearms suspending your Basques and sucking blood.-And then...-There are those that are crossed, barely, knows who say it a Word, a sentence, give you a minute, an hour and change the course of your life. You expect nothing from them, you barely know them, you went light, light, to go and yet when you leave them, these amazing people, you discover that they opened a door in you, raised a parachute, initiated this wonderful movement is the desire, a movement that will take you beyond yourself and surprise you. You will never again be vermicelli, you dancing on the sidewalk by sparks and your arms touch the sky...Squirrels in Central Park are sad Monday
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
There are people with whom one spends most of his life and which do not bring you anything. Who does not light, do not feed you, do not give you momentum. Still happy when they do not kill you slowly by hanging from your Basque and sucking your blood.
- And then ...
- There are those that you come across that one hardly knows which you say a word, a sentence, you give a minute for half an hour and change the course of your life. You expect nothing from them, you know the only, you went light, light, the appointment and yet when you leave them, these amazing people, you discover that they have opened a door for you triggered a parachute, initiated this wonderful movement that is the desire movement that will carry you beyond yourself and amaze you. You'll never vermicelli, you will dance on the sidewalk by sparks and your arms touch the sky ...
The squirrels are sad to Central Park on Monday
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
There are people with whom you spent a large part of his life and which do not bring you anything. Who do you not light, do you not feed, do not give you momentum. Still pleased when they do you not destroy to small fire in se suspending your Basques and you sucking the blood.
- and then ...
- There are those that the crossover, that are known to sentence, which you say a word, a sentence,Grant you a minute, a half-hour and change the course of your life. You do not expect anything from them, you know them to death, you have been slight, slight, the appointments and yet, when you exit the, these amazing people, you discover that they have opened a door in you, triggered a parachute, initiated this wonderful movement that is the desire,Movement that will take you well beyond you-even and surprise you. You'll never vermicelli, you include dancing on the sidewalk by sparks and your arms will affect the sky ...
the squirrels of Central Park are sad on monday
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