Article 13
Les navires de guerre étrangers admis dans les ports doivent respecter les lois et les règlements locaux, notamment ceux qui concernent la navigation, le stationnement et la police sanitaire.
En cas de contravention grave et persistante, le commandant, après avis officieux et courtois resté sans effet, pourrait être invité et, au besoin, contraint à reprendre la mer.
Il en serait de même si les autorités locales jugeaient que la présence de son navire est une cause de désordre ou de danger pour la sûreté de l'Etat.
Mais, à moins d'extrême urgence, ces mesures rigoureuses ne doivent être employées que sur l'ordre du gouvernement central du pays.
Article 13
foreign warships entering ports must comply with the laws and local regulations, including those relating to navigation, parking and the police health.
a serious and persistent breach, the Commander, after informal and courteous advice remained without effect, could be invited and, if necessary, forced back the sea.
.It would be the same if local authorities felt that the presence of his ship is a cause of disorder or danger to the security of the State.
but, unless extreme urgency, these rigorous measures should be used only on the order of the central Government of the country.

Article 13
The foreign warships allowed ports must comply with the local laws and regulations, including those relating to navigation, parking and animal health.
In case of serious and persistent breach commander, after informal advice and courteous had no effect, could be invited and, if necessary, forced to put to sea
it would be the same if the local authorities felt that the presence of the ship is a cause of disorder or danger to the security of the State.
but unless an extreme emergency, these stringent measures should be used only on the order of the central government of the country.

Article 13
the vessels of foreign war admitted in the ports must comply with the laws and local regulations, including those which concern the navigation, the park and the police health.
In the case of a serious violation and persistent, the commander, after informal advice and courteous remains without effect, could be invited and, if need be, compelled to resume the sea.
The same would be true if the local authorities felt that the presence of his ship is a cause of disorder or of danger to the security of the State.
but, unless extreme urgency, these stringent measures should be employed as on the order of the central government of the country.