Si des gens du bord, se trouvant à terre, commettent des infractions aux lois du pays, ils peuvent être arrêtés par les agents de l'autorité territoriale et déférés à la justice locale. Avis de l'arrestation doit être donné au commandant du navire, qui ne peut exiger qu'ils lui soient remis.
Si les délinquants, n'étant point arrêtés, ont rejoint le bord, l'autorité territoriale ne peut pas les y saisir, mais seulement demander qu'ils soient déférés aux tribunaux compétents d'après la loi du pavillon et qu'avis lui soit donné du résultat des poursuites.
Si des gens du bord, se trouvant à terre en service commandé, soit individuellement, soit collectivement, sont inculpés de délit ou de crime commis à terre, l'autorité territoriale peut procéder à leur arrestation, mais elle doit les livrer au commandant sur la demande de celui-ci.
L'autorité territoriale doit, lors de la remise des délinquants, faire suivre les procès-verbaux constatant les faits ; elle a le droit de demander qu'ils soient poursuivis devant les autorités compétentes et qu'avis lui soit donné du résultat des poursuites.
If people from the edge, lying ashore, offences under the laws of the country, they can be arrested by officers of the territorial authority and brought to local justice. Notice of arrest must be given to the Commander of the ship, which may require that they be delivered
if offenders, point arrested, have joined the edge,. the territorial authority may not to enter them, but only to ask that they be brought to the courts according to the law of the flag and that notice be given of the outcome of the proceedings.
If people from the edge, located on land in service, either individually, or collectively, are charged of crime or crime committed on land, the territorial authority may make their arrest, but must deliver them to the commanding officer on demand.
handing offenders, the territorial authority shall forward the minutes noting the facts; It has the right to request that they be prosecuted before the competent authorities and that notice be given of the outcome of the proceedings.

If people on board, on shore, commit violations of the laws of the country, they can be arrested by officers of the territorial authority and brought to local justice. Notice of arrest must be given to the commander of the ship, which may require that they be returned.
If offenders not being arrested, joined the board, the territorial authority can not seize, but only ask that they be referred to the competent courts according to the law of the flag and notice be given of the outcome of the prosecution.
If people on board, on shore on duty, individually or collectively, are charged with an offense or crime committed on land, the territorial authority may arrest them, but it must deliver to the commander on the application thereof.
Territorial authority shall, upon delivery of offenders to follow the minutes establishing the facts; she has the right to request that they be prosecuted by the competent authorities and notice be given of the outcome of the prosecution.

If the people of the edge, next to earth, commit offenses to the laws of the country, they can be arrested by the agents of the territorial authority and referred to the local justice. Notice of the arrest must be given to the commander of the vessel, which may not require that they be handed over to him.
if the offenders, not being point arrested, have joined the edge,The territorial authority cannot enter, but only ask that they be referred to the competent courts according to the law of the flag and that notice be given of the results of the prosecution.
if people from the edge, located on land in service command, either individually or collectively, are charged with an offense or crime committed on land,The territorial authority may proceed to their arrest, but it must deliver them to the commander on the request of the latter.
THE territorial authority must, during the delivery of the offenders, do follow the minutes noting the facts; she has the right to require that they be prosecuted before the competent authorities and that notice be given of the outcome of the prosecution.