The testament of

The testament of "Hugo duke of Burg

The testament of "Hugo duke of Burgundy", dated May 1272, bequeathed dowry for "Margaret, my daughter," for her marriage to "John of Burgundy, son of the count of John, the Lord's Salinensis of the dead ..." [446]. The testament of "Hugo de Burgundy, the owner of Montis Regalis" dated 1 Apr 1285 names "Beatrice, my daughter Isabel Margarita ... ... my wife is the queen of the Romans, B. the countess of March, and the wife of John de Cabilone Marguarita Allaire mistress was a soldier, my sisters," [447 ]. "Jehan de Chalon, sires d'Arlay, and Marguerite sa famine, and by Biatrix de Bourgoingne comtesse de La Marche and d'Angoulesme, suer de ladite Marguerite" issued a charter dated to [1305] relating to the purchase of "la chestellenie of the Lisle souz Monreaul "[448]. Dame de Vitteaux 1294, by grant of her half-brother Duke Robert as part of the succession of her brother Huguenin. A charter of "Robert, prince of the Bourgoingne" dated May 1300 records that "l'eschoite damoisele Biatrix, jadis dame de Monreal" fell to "Merguerite of our ... suer and the mountain. Jehan de Chalon signour d'Allay son Maria "and Names" messires Hugues de Bourgoigne, Pere de ladite Biatrix "[449]. m (contract before 26 Sep 1272, 1280) as his first wife, Jean de Chalon Seigneur d'Arlay, son of Jean [1] "l'Antique" Comte de Chalon and his third wife Palatin de Bourgogne et Laure de Commercy (1259 -before Oct 30, 1315).
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The testament of "Hugo duke of Burgundy", dated May 1272, bequeathed dowry for "Margaret, my daughter," for her marriage to "John of Burgundy, son of the count of John, the Lord's Salinensis of the dead..." [446]. The testament of "Hugo de Burgundy, the owner of Montis Regalis" dated 1 Apr 1285 names "Beatrice, my daughter Isabel Margarita...... my wife is the queen of the novels, the countess of March, and the wife of John de Cabilone Marguarita Allaire mistress was a soldier, my sisters," [447]. "Jehan de Chalon, Lords of Arlay, and Marguerite his famine, and Biatrix de Bourgoingne by Countess of La Marche and of Angoulesme, sweat said Marguerite" issued a charter dated to [1305] relating to the purchase of "the chestellenie of the Lisle souz Monreaul" [448]. Lady of Vitteaux 1294, by grant of her half-brother Duke Robert as part of the estate of her brother Huguenin. A charter of "Robert, prince of the Bourgoingne" dated May 1300 records that "eschoite damoisele Biatrix, formerly Lady Monreal" fell to "Merguerite of our... sweat and the mountain. Jehan de Chalon signour to Allay his "and Names" Maria SIRS Hugues de Bourgoigne, father of the said Biatrix "[449]. m (contract before Oct 1272, 1280) as his first wife, Jean de Chalon Arlay, Lord, his Jean [1] of "ancient" count of Chalon and his third wife Palatine of Burgundy and Laure de Commercy (1259 – before Oct 30, 1315).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

The testament of "Hugo duke of Burgundy", dated May 1272 bequeathed £ dowry for "Margaret, my daughter," for her wedding to "John of Burgundy, son of the count of John, the Lord's Salinensis of the dead ..." [446]. The testament of "Hugo of Burgundy, the owner of Montis Regalis" dated 1 Apr 1285 names "Beatrice, my daughter Isabel Margarita ... ... my wife is the queen of the Romans, B. the countess of March, and the wife of John Allaire Mrs. Margarita Cabilone Was a soldier, my sisters, "[447]. "Jehan de Chalon, lords of Arlay, Marguerite and its famine, and by Biatrix of Bourgoingne Countess of La Marche and Angouleme, Sweat said Marguerite endorsement" issued a charter dated to [1305] Relating to the purchase of "the chestellenie of the Lisle souz Monreaul ". [448] Lady Vitteaux 1294, by grant of her half-brother Duke Robert share of the estate as of her brother Huguenin. A charter of "Robert, prince of the Bourgoingne" dated May 1300 records That "the eschoite damoisele Biatrix formerly Monreal lady" fell to "Merguerite of our sweat ... and the mountain. Jehan de Chalon signour of its Allay Maria "and Names" sirs Hugues de Bourgoigne Pere said Biatrix "[449]. m (contract before September 26, 1272, 1280) as His First wife, Jean Chalon Arlay Lord, son of John [1] "Antique" Chalon and his third wife Count Palatine of Burgundy and Laure de Commercy (1259 -before 30 October 1315).
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Tea testament of "Hugo duke of Burgundy", dated May 1272, bequeathed thereby for "Margaret, my daughter," for her marriage to "John of Burgundy, son of the count of John, the Lord's Salinensis of the dead ... " (446). The testament of "Hugo of Burgundy, the owner of Montis Regalis" dated 1 Apr 1285 names "Beatrice, my daughter Isabel Margarita ... ... My wife is the queen of the novels, B.
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