Ce livre est un premier roman plein d'humour. Le style de son auteur permet à chacun d'entre nous de penser à nouveau comme un enfant.
Le Crocodile rouillé raconté les adventures d'une famille nombreuse, qui se situe peut-être en Amérique latine.
les enfants se divisent en trois groupés les grands, de 15, 13 et 11ans, les jumeaux que tous appellent Melchior et Balthazar, et les petits, qui bien sûr, ne sont pas sages du tout.
L'auteur nous entraîne dans les pensée dès enfants; les jumeaux font beaucoup de bêtises les grands rêvent de rencontrer des coupains de leur âge et les petits inventent des amis imaginaires.
This book is a humorous first novel. The style of its author allows each of us to think again as a child.The rust Crocodile told the adventures of a large family, located perhaps in Latin America. children are divided into three groups the great, 15, 13 and 11 years old, the twins all call Melchior and Balthazar, and small, which of course, are not wise at all.The author leads us in the thinking in children. the twins make a lot of stupid things the big dream to meet their age coupains and small invent imaginary friends.

This book is a first novel humorous. The style of the author allows each of us to think again as a child.
The Crocodile rusty recounted the adventures of a large family, which is perhaps in Latin America.
Children are divided into three grouped the major, 15, 13 and 11 years, the twins all call Melchior and Balthazar, and the small, of course, are not wise at all.
The author takes us into the mind from children; the twins are a lot of nonsense big dream to meet Coupains their age and small invent imaginary friends.

This book is a first novel full of humor. The style of his author allows each of us to think of new as a child.
The Crocodile rust recounts the adventures of a large family, which is located perhaps in Latin America.
The children are divided into three groups the major, of 15, 13 and 11years, the twins that all call Melchior and Balthazar, and the small,Which of course, are not wise at all.
the author leads us in the thinking of children; the twins are a lot of nonsense the great dream of meeting with coupains of their age and the small invent imaginary friends.