Le malt utilisé est l'orge de brasserie germé et séché en malterie. Et翻訳 - Le malt utilisé est l'orge de brasserie germé et séché en malterie. Et英語言う方法

Le malt utilisé est l'orge de brass

Le malt utilisé est l'orge de brasserie germé et séché en malterie. Et unique en Belgique, l'orge est planté et récolté dans notre ferme "Beauregard" situé à 30 km de la brasserie, puis malté à façon à la Malterie au Château (Beloeil, Belgique). Il fourni les sucres fermentescibles et les matières non fermentescibles donnant le corps et la consistance à la bière. Il donne également la couleur ainsi que les différents arômes à la bière. Il existe des matls spéciaux (ex: malts torréfiés, caramélisés, fumés, ...) qui donnent à la bière la couleur (ambrée, brune, ...) et les arômes spécifiques (café, caramel, ...) de manière naturelle. Aucun colorant, conservateur ou adjuvent n'est utilisé dans la fabrication de nos bières.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The malt used is germinated and dried in malting barley. And unique in Belgium, barley is planted and harvested in our farm "Beauregard" located 30 km from the brewery, then malted in way to the malt to the Castle (Beloeil, Belgium). He provided the fermentable sugars and no fermentable materials giving the body and consistency to the beer. It also gives color as well as the different aromas to beer. There are special matls (ex: malts roasted, caramelized, smoked,...) that give the beer color (Amber, Brown,...) and specific aromas (coffee, caramel,...) in a natural way. No dye, conservative or additives is used in the manufacture of our beers.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The malt used is malt barley germinated and dried in malting. And one in Belgium, barley is planted and harvested in our farm "Beauregard" located 30 km from the brewery and malted to the Malthouse at Château (Beloeil, Belgium). It provided the fermentable sugars and non-fermentable materials giving body and substance to the beer. It also gives color and different flavors to beer. There are special matls (eg roasted malts, caramel, smoked, ...) which give the beer color (amber, brown, ...) and specific aromas (coffee, caramel, ...) so natural. No coloring, preservative or adjuvant is used in the manufacture of our beers.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the malt used is the malting barley germinated and dried in the plant. only in belgium, the barley is planted and harvested on the farm. "30 km of the brewery and malting malted at the castle (toronto, belgium). it provided the fermentable sugars and non fermentable material in the body, and the beer. it is also the color, as well as the different flavors in beer. there is a special matls (eg), smoked, roasted malt beer), which give the color (yellow, brown, etc.) and the specific aromas (coffee, caramel,...) in a natural way. any colourings, preservatives or adjuvent is used in the manufacture of beer.
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