– Pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies l’agriculture ?SAYAKO KANIE – alias «翻訳 - – Pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies l’agriculture ?SAYAKO KANIE – alias «英語言う方法

– Pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies l’

– Pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies l’agriculture ?

SAYAKO KANIE – alias « Le Crabe », petite aux yeux ronds, 22 ans

C’est une longue histoire. J’ai commencé par faire de la génétique dans une autre fac. Comment est-ce que l’oxydation fait vieillir la peau, l’ADN, tous ces trucs de micro-biologie. Après un passage à l’institut scientifique de Nara, je suis partie au Cambodge quelques mois. Un vrai choc : les décharges au milieu des rizières, les écoles en torchis sans eau courante… J’ai réalisé que tout était lié à l’environnement, que l’éducation environnementale était une priorité. A la fin de mes études en biologie, j’étais censée commencer à chercher un travail, mais au lieu de ça je me suis inscrite au collège d’agriculture de Hokudai. Idéalement, je voudrais travailler en tant que conservateur dans un musée scientifique… mais c’est probablement impossible de gagner de l’argent avec ça !

Le problème de l’agriculture au Japon est d’abord un problème d’image. Pour le japonais moyen, un fermier c’est quelqu’un qui fait un « 3K job » : « Kitanai », « Kiken », « Kitsui » – c’est-à-dire « boueux », « risqué » et « pénible ». Les enfants d’agriculteurs savent à quoi s’attendre et beaucoup d’entre eux fuient cette mauvaise réputation. Résultat : le nombre de terres exploitées à Hokkaido se réduit d’année en année alors qu’il y a énormément de choses à développer ici.

– Qu’est-ce que tu veux faire après Hokudai ?

AKARI HOSHINO – leader du club d’agriculture, grande musclée, 21 ans

Probablement fonctionnaire spécialiste des questions d’agriculture, comme mon père. Quand j’étais enfant, on allait souvent chez mes grands-parents, qui habitent une maison dans la campagne du nord de Niigata. Mon grand-père exploitait plusieurs rizières dans la région. Quand ma mère était débordée, ma grand-mère descendait en ville, louait une petite parcelle de terre et cultivait des légumes pour tout le monde ! Je pense que ma vocation vient de là. A l’université j’ai fait beaucoup d’économie : comprendre comment fonctionne le cours des denrées alimentaires, comment combattre la pauvreté. Donc évidemment, je veux contribuer à améliorer la qualité de vie des agriculteurs.

L’agriculture est intrinsèquement liée à la vie humaine, ça ne concerne pas que les campagnards ! Tous mes potes de lycée veulent devenir agriculteurs, mais c’est vrai qu’ils viennent pour la plupart de zones rurales… Pourquoi est-ce que les gens des villes ne veulent pas devenir fermiers ? Parce qu’ils n’ont pas de champs ! Pour faire ce boulot, il faut avoir un capital – qui vient en général de tes parents. Pourtant, l’agriculture est l’un des seuls domaines de l’économie qui n’a pas de limites, dans le sens qu’elle peut être durable. Le futur est dans les champs !

ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
-Why do you study agriculture?SAYAKO KANIE - aka "The crab", small round eyes, 22 yearsIt is a long story. I started doing genetics in an another CAF. How does oxidation aging skin, DNA, all this stuff of microbiology. After a stint at the Scientific Institute of Nara, I'm partial to Cambodia a few months. A real shock: dumps in the middle of rice paddies, schools in mud without running water... I realized that everything was linked to the environment, that environmental education was a priority. At the end of my studies in biology, I was supposed to start to look for a job, but instead of that I enrolled at the college of agriculture in Hokudai. Ideally, I would like to work as a curator in a museum scientific... but it is probably impossible to make money with it!The problem of agriculture in the Japan first is an image problem. For the average Japanese, a farmer is someone who is a '3K job': "Kitanai», «Kiken», «Kitsui" - i.e. "muddy", "risky" and "painful". Children of farmers know what to expect and many of them are fleeing this bad reputation. Result: the number of land in Hokkaido is reduced from year to year while there are lots of things to develop here.-What do you want to do after Hokudai?AKARI HOSHINO - leader of the agriculture, large muscular 21-year clubProbably specialist officer of agriculture issues, like my father. When I was a kid it often went with my grandparents, who live in a house in the countryside of Northern Niigata. My grandfather operated several rice fields in the region. When my mother was overwhelmed, my grandmother down town, rented a small plot of land, and grew vegetables for everyone! I think that my vocation comes from there. At the University I did a lot of Economics: understand how the course of food, how to fight poverty. So obviously, I want to help improve the quality of life of farmers.Agriculture is intrinsically linked to human life, it is not only the country people! All my buddies from high school want to become farmers, but it is true that they come mostly from rural areas... Why people from the cities will not become farmers? Because they have no fields! To do this job, we have a capital - that comes from your parents. However, agriculture is one of the only areas of the economy which has no limits, in the sense that it can be sustainable. The future is in the fields!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
- Why do you study agriculture? Sayako KANIE - aka "The Crab" small round-eyed, 22 It's a long story. I started doing genetics in another college. How is that oxidation aged skin, DNA, all these micro-biology stuff. After a stint at the scientific institute of Nara, I left Cambodia a few months. A real shock: the shock in the middle of rice fields, schools cob without running water ... I realized that everything was related to the environment, environmental education was a priority. At the end of my studies in biology, I was supposed to start looking for a job, but instead of that I enrolled in the College of Agriculture Hokudai. Ideally I would like to work as a curator in a science museum ... but that's probably impossible to make money with that! The problem of agriculture in Japan is primarily an image problem. For the average Japanese, a farmer is someone who makes a "3K job": "kitanai", "Kiken", "Kitsui" - that is to say "muddy", "risky" and "painful ". The children of farmers know what to expect and many are fleeing the bad reputation. Result: the number of land used in Hokkaido is reduced year by year while there are many things to develop here. - What do you want to do after Hokudai? AKARI HOSHINO - Club leader of agriculture, big muscled, 21 Probably agricultural issues specialist officer, like my father. When I was a child, we often went with my grandparents, who live in a house in the countryside of North Niigata. My grandfather operated several rice fields in the area. When my mother was overwhelmed, my grandmother down in the city, rented a small plot of land and grew vegetables for everyone! I think my vocation comes from. In college I did a lot of economy: understand how the food prices, how to combat poverty. So obviously, I want to help improve the quality of life of farmers. Agriculture is intrinsically related to human life, it does not only concern the country people! All my high school buddies want to farm, but it's true that they come mostly from rural areas ... Why is it that people do not want cities to become farmers? Because they have no fields! To do this job, you need a capital - which usually comes from your parents. Yet, agriculture is one of the only areas of the economy that has no limits, in the sense that it can be sustainable. The future is in the fields!

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
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